

Chivalry is not dead! A woman notices whether a man opens the door for her, walks closer to the traffic or pulls out a chair for her when she sits. This is something that separates any man from the pack.



A quick web search on relationship woes will reveal that being emotionally unavailable is a disease claiming the lives of many men. If you are a man who is afflicted by this disease, you would do well to seek help immediately! Being a man means being able to share how you feel and not worry about how you‘ll be seen.



Women enjoy a man who pays attention to the small details and can recall them at a much later time. This will win any man huge points! For example, let’s say your woman of interest tells an inconsequential story about lunch with a friend and in passing she mentions the name of the restaurant. Two weeks later you ask her, “How was the restaurant XYZ you went with your friend the other day? I was thinking we should go out for dinner tonight.” A man will be instantly elevated to a level of superhero status, if at a later time, he can remember the small details and demonstrate he was really listening.

女性喜欢那些能注意细节并在稍后能回想起细节的男士。这个特点会为男士赢得超高分! 举个例子,假如你是名男士,你感兴趣的那名女士讲述了她和朋友吃午饭的这样一个无关简要的故事,在讲述的过程中,她提到了那家餐馆的名字。两周后,你问她,“你觉得你那天和朋友一起去的那家XYZ餐馆怎么样呀?我在想今天晚上我们去哪里吃饭。” 如果一名男士在一段时间后,还能记起一些细节,就说明他真的是在用心倾听,他的地位会在瞬间提升到超级英雄那个级别。


Yes, she may look great when she is dressed up and you should definitely let her know. But, it is also important to let a woman know just how special she is to you in her day-to-day life. See her laugh, smile or dimple in her cheek and compliment her on it.



For any relationship to be successful there must be a sense of trust. Honesty is the glue that holds a relationship together and also an attractive feature. Even when it might not be the most pleasant news to tell a woman, it is better for a man to be open and honest than to tell a lie.



Confidence is the key to being attractive. It will grab any woman‘s attention. And confidence should not be confused with arrogance, which involves a false sense of self. But, rather being confident involves taking stock in who you are (not what you do)。





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