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瑞士联邦(Swiss Confederation),简称“瑞士,首都伯尔尼,位于欧洲中部,北与德国接壤,东临奥地利和列支敦士登,南临意大利,西临法国。地处北温带,四季分明,全国地势高峻,总面积41284平方千米。截至2020年,总人口866.7万人。[6]
Swiss Confederation
© Bern Tourism
Bern is the capital of Switzerland, and also the capital of the canton of the same name.
As the seat of government, the city houses the federal ministries and a number of other federal institutions, including the National Bank. It is also the headquarters of the Universal Postal Union, one of the specialised agencies of the United Nations. In addition it is the seat of public services, such as Swiss Post (the state-owned post office) and the Swiss Federal Railways. The city has a small airport in the suburb of Belp. Although Zurich is Switzerland's main rail hub, Bern has a direct rail service to several of the major cities of Switzerland, as well as to European cities such as Paris, Berlin, Barcelona and Milan.
The city was founded in the 12th century on a tongue of land surrounded on three sides by the river Aare. However, the first settlements in the area go back to pre-Roman times. It grew rich as a trading centre, and subsequently became an aggressive political and military power, ruling over a number of subject territories. It was one of the leading members of the old Swiss Confederation. Although the French invasion of 1798 put an end to the system of rulers and subjects, Bern retained its leading position, and in 1848 was chosen as the permanent capital of the modern Swiss state.
There are several theories as to the derivation of the name. It may come from Brenodor, the name of a Celtic settlement built on the site. However, the popular story has that Bern was named after the bear (German: Bär), the first animal to be killed by its founder, Duke Berchtold V von Zähringen, when he went hunting near his new city. Bears have a long association with the town, which has had a bear pit since the end of the 15th century.
The Helmhaus contemporary art museum, Wasserkirche (Water Church,) and Grossmünster cathedral
© picswiss.ch
Zurich is the capital of the canton of the same name. It lies on the river Limmat where it flows out of Lake Zurich, and is the largest town in Switzerland.
The city is a cultural mecca, and in international polls frequently figures among the most desirable cities in the world to live in. In the 19th and 20th centuries in particular it attracted many notable writers, artists and composers. The Dada art movement was born in Zurich's Cabinet Voltaire in 1916. Today it boasts not only many museums, theatres and concert halls, but some 500 bars, nightclubs and discos. The Bahnhofstrasse is one of Switzerland's prime shopping streets.
The Neue Zürcher Zeitung ("New Zurich Newspaper") is Switzerland's most prestigious newspaper. It was first published in 1780, and is one of the oldest German language newspapers still in existence.
The city is home both to Zurich University and to one of Switzerland's two prestigious Federal Institutes of Technology, the ETHZ. Between 1975 and 2002 the ETHZ alone produced 7 Nobel science laureates.
Switzerland's largest airport is in Kloten near Zurich. The city is also an important rail hub. As for urban transport, Zurich claims to have the best-served urban traffic network in the world.
Turicum, from which the name Zurich comes, was originally a Roman customs post and fort on the left bank of the Limmat. The settlement later spread to both sides of the river.
During the Middle Ages it developed as an economic, cultural and religious centre. In the course of the 13th century it gradually gained more rights of self-government, although it remained part of the German empire.
In 1351 it joined the Swiss Confederation, where it quickly became one of the leading members, along with Bern and Lucerne.
It has traditionally been at the forefront of new developments: it led the Protestant forces at the Reformation in the 16th century, its liberal politicians played a key role in establishing the modern federal state in 1848, and its entrepreneurs were the backbone of the industrial revolution in Switzerland in the 19th century.
Click on the map to find a town plan of Geneva
Geneva's jet d'eau lake fountain
© julia slater / swissworld.org
Geneva waterfront, with St Peter's cathedral in the background
© Carla Arrigoni
Geneva is the capital of the canton of the same name, and is Switzerland's second biggest city. It lies in the south-west, near the border with France, at the western end of Lake Geneva, where the Rhone flows out of the lake.
A number of international organisations have their headquarters in Geneva. These include the European headquarters of the UN, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the World Health Organisation (WHO), the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the UN High Commission for Refugees and CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research.
It is also the site of the headquarters of the World Economic Forum (WEF).
Geneva is also well known for its watches. The Geneva Seal, or Poinçon de Genève, is a quality hallmark which is only granted to a select range of luxury watches according to strict criteria. Each year Geneva holds an exclusive fair, the International Salon for Prestige Watchmaking.
Geneva is also known for its car fair, held every year in March. Other fairs held in Geneva include the Inventors' Fair and the Book Fair.
The city has Switzerland's second largest airport, Cointrin. It is linked directly by rail with Paris, and also with Milan, via the Rhone valley. Within Switzerland it has direct trains to Lake Constance at the opposite end of the country via Bern and Zurich.
In international surveys ranking cities of the world for their quality of life, Geneva usually figures very near the top.
Geneva was a settlement even in Celtic times. It was an important transshipment point under the Romans, who named it Genava.
The Germanic Burgundians, who conquered the area in the 5th century, made it their capital for a time.
The city was the seat of a bishop from around 400 until the Reformation, when the bishop was driven out and the city became one of the major Protestant centres in Europe under Jean Calvin. The influx of refugees it attracted contributed to its economic and cultural upsurge.
In 1602 the city defeated the Duke of Savoy and forced him to abandon his territorial claims against it. Geneva then remained a small city state until it was briefly absorbed into France in 1798, before becoming a Swiss canton in 1815.
Lausanne around 1900
© Library of Congress
Lausanne, the capital of Canton Vaud, lies on Lake Geneva in the French-speaking area of Switzerland.
It is Switzerland's fifth largest city, and the main economic and administrative centre in the west of the country after Geneva.
Lausanne houses the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee (IOC). A number of international sport federations are also based in the city: table tennis, volleyball, baseball, fencing, wrestling, swimming, archery, air sports, and rowing.
Lausanne is the home of one of Switzerland's two Federal Institutes of Technology, the EPFL. (The other – the ETHZ – is in Zurich.) It also houses the Federal Supreme Court.
Although Lausanne is overshadowed by Geneva as a centre of international diplomacy, it has hosted a number of international conferences, including the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne which settled the borders of Turkey after World War I.
Lausanne is an important railway hub, on the line from Bern to Geneva. It is linked directly with Paris and is also the gateway to the Rhone valley.
The town is characterised by its steep streets. A gorge runs through the centre, which made it necessary to build bridges from one neighbourhood to another. A set of covered stairs leads up to the cathedral; a cogwheel railway (originally a funicular) links the railway station with the lakeside.
The Lausanne area was already settled in the fourth millennium BC. The Romans built a military camp, which they named Lousonna, on the site of a Celtic settlement in what is now the suburb of Vidy.
In the 7th century it became the seat of the bishopric of Lausanne. The town developed as an economic and religious centre in the Middle Ages, ruled by the bishop. It lay on the Via Francigena pilgrim route between Canterbury and Rome. Over the years the citizens, backed by the counts of Savoy, gradually won more freedoms.
The city lost much of its importance when Bern took it over along with the whole of what is now Canton Vaud in 1536, and ruled it until 1798. When Vaud became a separate canton in 1803, Lausanne became the capital.
Lucerne (German: Luzern) is the capital of the canton of the same name. It lies at the north western end of Lake Lucerne, where the river Reuss flows out of the lake. Lucerne is the economic and cultural centre of central Switzerland.
The economy of Lucerne is based on tourism and commerce. It also offers services in such areas as transport, health and consulting. There are over four and a half jobs in the service sector for every one job in industry or agriculture.
Lucerne has direct train links with most major Swiss cities and to Milan. It is served not only by the Swiss Federal Railways, but also by the private Zentralbahn.
The city has a small university, which is to be expanded in the next few years. Its theology department enjoys a particularly strong reputation.
The city was once a dependency of the Alsatian monastery at Murbach, but gradually gained autonomy. The year 1178 marked a turning point in its relations with the monastery, and is regarded as the date of its foundation as a city.
After the opening up of the Gotthard pass in the early 13th century it grew wealthy as an important staging post on the route between Italy and northern Europe. The city joined the young Swiss Confederation in 1332.
现在的消费水平还是非常高的,平均每人每天300到500块钱左右的消费者,包括住宿吃饭,景点的门票需要另外计算,这就是海南的真实的消费水平真的很高。 来海南旅行,真的有必要去太原一趟海滩,潜水,然后坐上游船,到海边溜达溜达,其实这就是些小项目罢了。如果是跟团来三亚的话,也就是团费那么多,一般也就是四五千块钱左右,当然还有一些平价团,旅行团会带去购物店,有可能会让消费,价格就比较便宜了,是也是可以理解的,花钱少自然会去购物店,任何旅行社或导游要喝西北风啊。 如果选择自由行,可以坐火车来的,从北京有直达三亚的一趟火列车,而且在海南旅行也可以采用自驾游的方式,自驾游就很有意思了,这是最好玩儿的。 还可以自驾游租车,一般的越野车也就是300到500块钱一天,算上加油费用,每天也就是个200块钱,整个海南也没有多大环岛一周,也就是一星期左右,几个朋友一块儿去海南自驾游,车费真的花不了几个钱,也就是个3000到4000元左右,吃饭住宿,家景点门票,平均下来每天300到500左右,一周也就是个三四千块钱吧,自驾游一星期也就是要花个四五千块钱。 扩展资料: 旅游注意事项 1、要带个小药包,外出旅游要带上一些常用药,因为旅行难免会碰上一些意外情况,如果随身带上个小药包,做到有备无患。 2、要注意旅途安全,旅游有时会经过一些危险区域景点,如陡坡密林、悬崖蹊径、急流深洞等,在这些危险区域,要尽量结伴而行,千万不要独自冒险前往。 3、讲文明礼貌,任何时候、任何场合,对人都要有礼貌,事事谦逊忍让,自觉遵守公共秩序。 4、爱护文物古迹,旅游者每到一地都应自觉爱护文物古迹和景区的花草树木,不任意在景区、古迹上乱刻乱涂。 5、要尊重当地的习俗,中国是一个多民族的国家,许多少数民族有不同的宗教信仰和习俗忌讳。
如果是参加跟团游,从国内出发一般是3000-5000元的团费,泰国移民局的官方规定,入境泰国的外籍人士随身须携带现金不少于2万泰铢(约合4000元人民币),所以去一次泰国旅游如果不采购大件的,人均在5000—7000元左右。 入境时泰国海关在检查外国游客随身携带现金时,都是采取抽查的方式,而且主要抽查的是办理落地签的游客,如果在国内就办好了泰国签证,那么被抽查到的几率就极小。 扩展资料 泰国旅游注意事项 1、遵守携带烟酒入境规定 泰国法律规定,每名游客仅允许携带1条烟(200支烟或250克烟草)和1瓶酒(不超过1公升)入境。同时请注意不要将多人的烟酒放在一人行李内,或在机场区域内交由一人保管,否则会被视为超量携带,需缴纳罚款。在各国(包括泰国)机场免税店内购买的烟酒同样受上述规定限制。 2、注意涉水安全 在海边游玩,请提前了解当地海况,如遇风大浪急,泰方会在海滩竖起红旗,此时请遵从警示,不要下水。浮潜、海底漫步、海上摩托、乘船出海等涉水项目,请量力而行,如选择参加,请全程穿戴救生衣并听从专业人士指导。 空腹、饱餐、醉酒、极度疲劳等身体状态下勿冒险下水,如在酒店泳池玩耍,请选择营业时段,并确保有同伴或救生员在场,避免独自下水。 参考资料来源:人民网—中国驻泰国大使馆发布国庆期间赴泰国旅游提示 参考资料来源:人民网—30人赴泰国旅游未带足现金 整团被拒绝入境
这个问题几乎没有人能够回答的很完善,因为旅游费用涉及的范围太广了。工作关系我每年都去瑞士一次,虽然时间不长,但每次都有几天可以自己逛逛瑞士,而且我也在计划今年4-5月携**自助瑞士深度旅游,所以谈谈个人对于瑞士旅游费用的看法,仅供参考, A. 如果你选择团队游览,仅仅瑞士,属于深度游。这样的报价我也浏览过了各大旅行社,瑞士深度团队游项目很少,一般10天8晚需要21000元左右。基本项目的门票都是全包了。 B. 如果是自助游, 提前2个月购买机票,我按照上海飞苏黎世的航班,非直达机票价格在4000-6000左右(当然还有更高的价格),直达瑞航的价格在6000-7000左右。 自助游我选择瑞士通票SWISS PASS,8天连续的价格在3500元左右,3天连续在1200左右,我计划是11天,合计火车票大概在4000左右。瑞士通票可以在有效期内免费搭乘所有公共交通,例如火车,公交车,渡轮。持有有效的瑞士通票去收费景点可以获得25%-50%的折扣。 宾馆费用。我选择苏黎世附近地区靠近机场的经济型宾馆,选择靠近火车站附近的更好。大概每天700元(不含早饭,2人房间) 景点。雪山:少女峰,铁力士,马特宏峰等。城镇:伯尔尼,苏黎世,琉森,因特拉肯,圣加伦等。费用在2000元左右 签证费1100左右(旅行社办理) 我估计的11-12晚的瑞士深度游费用大约17000元/人(房间费按照2人均分计算)